S. Suresh Silva
0094 77 2953453
Successfully completed the course of Teacher of swimming & water safety conduct by Australian Council for the Teaching and Swimming and water safety (AUSTSWIM) Certificate of completing 2-2 ½ years Interactive Program conduct by Worldwide Swim School.
Successfully completed Certificate Course in Coaches Skills Development (NISS).
Successfully completed American Swimming Coaches Association(ASCA) Level I , II , III, IV, V.
Sports Medicine Scientific Sessions (IOC & NOC).
Successfully completed the course of Teacher of swimming& water safety conduct by Australian Council for the Teaching and Swimming and water safety (AUSTSWIM)
Certificate of Basic Life Support Course conduct by Sri Lanka Red Cross Society Colombo Branch.
NISS Level I, II.
Successfully completed CPR,AED and BASIC FIRST AID in American safety & health institute(MEDIC).
ADVANCED SWIMMING COACHES CLINIC conduct by (FINA).Swimming head coach at Princess of Wales school Moratuwafrom 2018 up to date Swimming head coach & pool manager at sri Lanka carting circuit bandaragamafor 02 years.
Represent Sri Lanka as a swimming coach South Asian Aquatic Championships(2016) Represent Sri Lanka as a swimming coach 10th Asian age group championships (2019)INDIA.
Swimming coach at lyceum International School for 05 years Swimming head coach at accelerate swimming academy from 2015 to up to date.